Caught Up in Chaos
We decided to include a bunch of articles written by real moms - friends who we acquired along our parenting journey. This one is the first in the series, written by the lovely Clarissa Jane: a real-life mama with a real love for bags. You can have a look at her Insta page here: ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ I had been contemplating writing a blog piece for a lonnnnggggggg time. Since I was a kid, I've always enjoyed journaling. I even had a LiveJournal in middle school and then a Xanga account in high school. Does anyone remember those? OMG. Those were hilarious to read & write. I even printed my favorite LJ posts. Oh, the memories. So, why this blog title? "Caught up in Chaos," to me, means that life (even if I haven't left the house in two or three days because being a mama to 2 under 2 means I'm always on the move) is never boring. It means that even when I get those moments where I'm caught up in the chaos and fe...